Ozzie Sheakley
Ozzie Sheakley, photo credit Huna Totem Corporation
I am Shungukeidi Thunderbird, originally from Hoonah, moving to Juneau in 1966. I attended Sheldon Jackson High School in Sitka, AK, moving on to attend Alaska Methodist University in Anchorage. I was drafted to the U.S. Army in 1969; I am an Army Veteran and Commander of the SE Alaska Native Veterans. I am a past President of Juneau Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 70 and a Lifetime Member of Hoonah Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 12. For 34 years I worked at Tlingit & Haida Central Council as the Education Director and Past Director and Chair of National 477 Workgroup until retirement. I currently serve as Secretary and Board Member of Huna Totem Corporation, elected in 1982. I am also a Trustee of Huna Heritage Foundation, Huna Totem Corporation Shareholders Settlement Trust, and the Elders’ Benefit Trust.